
- tax settlement in the Netherlands, up to 5 years back
- tax settlement in Poland, PIT-36 + ZG and any other, necessary in a given client's situation
- certificates of income from the Polish Tax Office (application and certificate form can be downloaded in the Forms tab),
- change of tax residence,
- assistance in spreading the debt into installments,
- applications for the establishment of invalidity, necessary for the PGB budget, for a person requiring daily care, and the care will be provided, for example, by a family member,
- subsidies (for insurance, rent, school care, etc., education),
- benefits for people registered in the Netherlands, and without registration,
- Kinderbijslag family allowance from SVB,
- insurance: health, automotive, etc (own comparison site),
- MRB tax (car on foreign reg. no.)
- ordinary and sworn translations,
- Dutch language courses,
- all administrative and social matters (meld, Digid, BSN etc.),
- help in buying a house (go to the Mortgage tab)